How Trading Strategy Guides Added 11,000 Subscribers With A Content Locking Script
Are you frustrated trying to figure out what content your subscribers are most interested in?
Do you see lower-than-average click through rates on your email newsletters?
Perhaps it’s because your email is not segmented. In this case study, we’ll learn how Trading Strategy Guide used our content lock feature to add nearly 11,000 targeted subscribers to his list in a little over a month.
Meet Trading Strategy Guides
Casey Stubbs of helps financial traders find a trading strategy that best fits their personality and goals. The site offers training through ebooks and video courses, as well as a private coaching program. When their blog post about bitcoin trading strategies went viral, Casey took advantage of the increased traffic to explode their email list.
Using A Content Locking Script To Add 7,500 Subscribers
As traffic increased to the bitcoin trading strategies post, Casey wondered what he could do to capture the email addresses of the added visitors.
He knew that whatever he offered in exchange for the address had to be related to bitcoin so that those visitors would be interested. He also knew he had to act quickly before traffic returned to normal. He didn’t have time to create an entirely new lead magnet to entice readers.
Casey was already using a popup form on his site. He knew whatever optin form he created, he’d be able to target to the bitcoin trading blog post using our simple page targeting display rules.
Casey realized that people were desperate for the strategies shared in the bitcoin trading article. Rather than simply share the tips freely, he decided to learn how to use content locking to provide access only to readers who would provide their email address in exchange.
A content locking script denies access to content until the reader completes a specific action, most often providing their email address. Once the reader subscribes, the content is immediately revealed.
Our new popup content locking script is available for inline optins that appear within the content of your page or post.
Any content below the placement of the content locking script will be blurred out, or removed altogether until the reader subscribes.

In just under two months, Casey added almost 7,500 subscribers to his list from this single content locking script. Over 17% of visitors subscribe for access to the protected content.
Once Casey saw success with this method, he began adding the content locking script on other pieces of content, too, adding an additional 3,200 subscribers to his list in the previous month.
That’s almost 11,000 new subscribers added as a direct result of our content locking script!

Content Locking
Did you know that Whole Whale doubled its list and Photowebo increased its list by 3806% using content locking.
Read more about Content Locking Scripts HERE
Categorised in: The Shoreline Blog
This post was written by Shoreline Content Team