Reach More People For Less With Efficient Ads

Reach More People For Less With Efficient Ads

Reach More People For Less With Efficient Ads

Turn on these 3 simple tools in Ads Manager so our system can get your ads running at their full potential.

Simplify your campaigns so they can be more efficient.

Get your ads shown in more places
Use Advantage+ placements to automatically show your ads across top-performing placements. Or manually select 6+ placements where your ads should appear.

Automatically optimize your budget
Use Advantage campaign budget to set one campaign budget, which Meta will automatically manage across ad sets to get you the best results.

Reach a greater number of people
Broaden your audience to at least 2 million people, so Meta has more opportunities to find the right people for your ads, which helps lower costs.

Group similar ad sets
Maximize performance and increase budget efficiency in the auction when you group together ad sets and campaigns that target similar audiences with similar objectives.
This helps avoid your ads competing against each other in the auction.

Turn off low-performing campaigns
If you have multiple campaigns running at the same time, consider turning off any that aren’t performing as well. This allows Meta to allocate your budget behind winning campaign strategies.

Ensure your budget is sufficient
Once you’ve consolidated ad sets or campaigns, you can apply a single central budget. An easy way to estimate your budget is by multiplying a previous cost per result (CPR) by the desired number of conversions or results.

Turn on Advantage+ placements
Adding placements gives Meta’s AI more opportunities to find the people who will respond well to your ad. Either turn on Advantage+ placements, or select 6 or more placements manually.

Try Advantage campaign budget
Advantage campaign budget automatically manages your campaign budget across ad sets to get you the overall best results. We recommend using the Autobid bidding strategy, which allows Meta to find the lowest-cost opportunities available, increasing the chances of better outcomes.

Broaden your audience targeting
Ad sets with an audience size of at least 2 million often see better performance. Increasing your target audience gives the ad auction more opportunities to find people most likely to engage with your business.


Learn More About Efficient Social Media Ads Here



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This post was written by Shoreline Content Team